حين إنهار التعليم ..
لم يجد الناس إلا الدروس الخصوصية
وحين ضعُف الأزهر وإنتهى تقريبا دوره
لم يجد الناس سوى الأحزاب الدينية
فلماذا تتعجبون ؟!
لم يجد الناس إلا الدروس الخصوصية
وحين ضعُف الأزهر وإنتهى تقريبا دوره
لم يجد الناس سوى الأحزاب الدينية
فلماذا تتعجبون ؟!
هناك 6 تعليقات:
مافيش حد بيتعجب غير الاعلام بتاعنا وكانهم في كوكب تاني
اتفق معك جدا فيما تقول..فالناس تبحث عن الخير والدين.. ولاننسى ان اكثر الكتب المباعة فى الاسواق هى الكتب الدينية.. كمان اعرف ان التدين سمة اصلية فى مجتمعنا ولكننا ايضا نتميز بالوسطية وهذا مايطمأننى جدا.. ربنا يوفقك مصر للخير انشاء الله
وفيم العجب؟؟!!
كلام في الصميم
مقال رائع ومدونه جذابه
تسلم علي مثل هذه المواضيع المميزة
ننتظر منك المزيد دائماً
أطيب امنياتي
I have seen the P90x Workout commercials and understood the concepts but never got around to buying the program I got lucky my nephew bought it and used it once said it was too hard, So he gave it to me. I was a wrestler in high school and college and boy did this bring back memories of the workouts P90x Reviews. After about a 7-10 sessions my back was feeling better shoulder pain started going away Beats by Dre Headphones. I use a total gym for the pull ups to the point where I��m almost vertical still getting the effects of the pull ups but less stress if you have shoulder injury. Yoga felt funny but sticking with all aspects of the program px90 reviews. During the workouts I forget about everything else that is a nice benefit. I am 5��7�� and was 165lbs not too bad shape wife did say I had a slight beer belly. I��m now 154 stopped cold turkey the soft drinks and late night snacks. No I did not stop having an occasional beer on the sat or sunday watching sports. But it is now nowhere near what it used to be 2-3 for the entire weekend vs a case before. I started eating reg during the day snacks of vegetables light breakfast and lunch dinner fish and chicken. push the fluids and protein drinks that I purchased. My weight stopped dropping but I��m getting stronger getting some definition in arms shoulders back, endurance better Beats by Dre. Lets see what happens at the end of month 2 If anybody has ideas on diet as I did not get the diet from my nephew. Px90
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